Exercise 4.32#
Consider a two qubit density matrix \(\rho\), if we perform projective measurement to the second qubit with operator
The post-measurement state after measuring \(P_0\) is \(P_0\rho P_0/p_0\) where \(p_0\) is the probability of measuring \(0\), and the post-measurement state after measuring \(P_1\) is \(P_1\rho P_1/p_1\) where \(p_1\) is the probability of measuring \(1\). If an observer did not know the measurement result, then we will have probability \(p_0\) to get \(P_0\rho P_0/p_0\), and have probability \(p_1\) to get \(P_1\rho P_1/p_1\). So
We can calculate the partial trace for the first qubit as
Similarly, the partial trace of \(\rho'\) for the first qubit is
which is the same as eq. (3). Thus, we have \({\rm Tr}_{2}(\rho)={\rm Tr}_{2}(\rho')\).